Cory J. McBride

Composer / Conductor / EducATOR / CLinician

Cory J. McBride

Iowa River Scenes

​​​"Iowa River Scenes" Printed Band Set & Score for Music Retailers - Please contact us for retailer discount. 

Grade 2 - Easy

"Iowa River Scenes was commissioned and premiered in scenic Northeast Iowa, USA.  Located near two rivers, the Upper Iowa and Mississippi Rivers have etched some of the most beautiful and majestic landscape in the Midwest region of the United States.  Bluff Country refers to the raw landscape of the area.  With years and years of shaping from rivers, floods, and glaciers, the beautifully hill covered countryside has a spectacular view for miles.  Scenic River Beauty honors the importance of both the Upper Iowa River and the Mississippi River in far Northeast Iowa.  Without these peaceful, yet strong rivers, the region would not be what it is today.  Effigy Mounds pays tribute to one of Northeast Iowa's most notable landmarks.  It is believed that Effigy Mounds, an area where animal shaped mounds were created on the ground, were created by Native Americans to mark important events.  To this day, there remains a great deal unknown about the exact history of this cultural site."

"Iowa River Scenes" Digital Band Set & Score for Music Educators - Please contact us to purchase.